Paper Title

Survey on Wireless Sensor Networks


  • Hannan Ansari
  • Sachin Kumar Patel
  • Sachida Nanda Barik


Computer Network, WSNs, Advance Computer Network, Intrusion Detection Systems, Network Security.


Wireless Sensor Networks are also a type of Network which has a small and large number of sensor nodes with limited sensing computation and communication capabilities. Basically WSNs are nothing but it is a type of network which has some sensing devices with communication capabilities. WSNs have some advantages and some disadvantages according to their use in different-different fields. To increase the life time of network, it is necessary to reduce the number of bits transmitted over the channel; if it happens then automatically the life time of network will increase. This paper introduces the Basic of WSNs, Security issues, and some techniques like data aggregation, for reducing the data transmission over the network is called data aggregation method. There are a lot of security issues in data aggregation for example data integrity, confidentiality and freshness in data aggregation. So data aggregation becomes a crucial when the WSN is deployed in remote environment or hostile environment where sensors are prone to node failure and compromises. Secure data aggregation schemes are fruitful to achieve the security in WSNs. In this paper, we propose a secure data aggregation schemes which provides end to end data privacy. Through this technique the average no. of bits transmitted per node is reduced by 35%-50%.

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How To Cite

Hannan Ansari, Sachin Kumar Patel, Sachida Nanda Barik. "Survey on Wireless Sensor Networks".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 1, pp.266-271, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 1 

Pages. 266-271

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