Paper Title

Microstrip Patch Antenna Implementation for WiMAX/GPS/WLAN Applications


  • Bashar B. Qas Elias
  • Hussein Mohammed


return loss, patch antenna, VSWR, bandwidth, FEKO, Coaxial probe.


A rectangular microstrip patch antenna with parasitic elements has been presented in the three proposed designs. They are suitable for applications working at resonating frequencies within 1.07-2.47-2.48-2.54-2.93 GHz frequency band. In this paper the minimum value of return loss up to 56.78 dB. The dielectric constant for the substrate layer is 2.2 and the designs are fed by the coaxial cable. The microstrip patch antenna is simulated by using high frequency simulation software FEKO version 5.5. In addition the results of the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) are also shown.

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How To Cite

Bashar B. Qas Elias, Hussein Mohammed. "Microstrip Patch Antenna Implementation for WiMAX/GPS/WLAN Applications".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.3, Issue 1, pp.106-109, URL :


Volume 3 Issue 1 

Pages. 106-109

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