Paper Title

Dynamic Behavior Of Reinforced Concrete Framed Buildings Under Non Linear Analysis


  • Deepak Soni
  • Prakash Sangamnerkar
  • Dr. S. K. DUBEY


“P-Delta analysis”, Symmetric and Asymmetric structures, Dynamic analysis (Response spectrum method),Static analysis


The demand of high rise building is increasing day by day to accommodate more people in less space. In the design and analysis of Reinforced Concrete framed structure linear static analysis is performed. High rise structure may collapse under severe displacement, axial force and moments if “P-Delta” analysis is not considered in analysis and design phase.. Due to defective construction practices and ignorance for earthquake resistant design of buildings in our country, most of the existing buildings are exposed to future earthquakes. The present study deals with the analysis of RC framed Symmetric and Asymmetric buildings in Zone-III and IV using inelastic method (P-Delta Analysis).The objective of present study is to find out the effect on Response quantities (Story Drift, Story Displacement and Nodal Displacement) due to “P-Delta” analysis on the RC framed structure and also find out the effect of asymmetry on this analysis .“P-Delta” Analysis is Non-Linear Static Analysis, so the structural response are include the additional response produced due to simultaneously action of lateral and gravity load on undeformed as well as deformed geometry. After doing the whole analysis it is found that the Response quantities are higher if “P-Delta” analysis is performed and in case of Asymmetric structure the Response quantities is higher in compare to the Symmetric structure.

Article Type


How To Cite

Deepak Soni, Prakash Sangamnerkar, Dr. S. K. DUBEY. "Dynamic Behavior Of Reinforced Concrete Framed Buildings Under Non Linear Analysis".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 4, pp.3861-3871, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 4 

Pages. 3861-3871

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