Paper Title

Improved Technique to Discover Frequent Pattern Using FP-Growth and Decision Tree


  • Meera J. Tank
  • Firoz A. Sherashiya


Web Mining, Apriori, FP-Tree, Decision Tree.


Web usage mining is the application of web mining, which implements various techniques of data mining for discovery and analysis of patterns in click stream and associated data collected or generated as a result of user interactions with web resources on one or more web sites. It consists of three phases which are data Preprocessing, pattern discovery and pattern analysis. In the pattern analysis phase interesting knowledge is extracted from frequent patterns and these results are used for website modification. In the proposed paper, a hybrid approach is used to fetch HTML as well as XML contents from a web page. In this approach combined effort of FP-Growth algorithm and Decision Tree is applied for pattern discovery. This approach helps in finding effective usage patterns. FP-Growth algorithm is used to remove the unimportant information from the contents and Decision tree is used to fetch the contents from a web page.

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How To Cite

Meera J. Tank, Firoz A. Sherashiya. "Improved Technique to Discover Frequent Pattern Using FP-Growth and Decision Tree".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 4, pp.3551-3555, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 4 

Pages. 3551-3555

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