Paper Title

A Novel Control Strategy for Grid Connected VSC With LCL Filters


  • Chodipilli Dasu Babu
  • A.Arjuna Rao


Convex optimization damping distributed generation high-order controller LCL-filter loop shaping micro grid resonance vector control voltage-source converter (VSC)


This paper propose a novel control strategy for grid connected VSC with LCL filters by using Fuel cell and PV cell . The proposed control strategy is inherently capable of attenuating the resonance phenomenon of such systems. This is an advantage over the existing methods which require additional damping techniques. Moreover the proposed vector control strategy is able to fully decouple the direct (d) and quadrature (q) components of the current in a rotating reference frame. The design procedure comprises a constrained optimization-based loop shaping. It utilizes the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) nonparametric model of the system along with a high-order linearly parameterized MIMO controller to form an open-loop transfer function matrix. Minimizing the second norm of the error between the open-loop transfer function matrix and a desired one the coefficients of the controller are optimally determined. Conducting several reference tracking scenarios the performance of the proposed vector controller is evaluated both bymeansof timedomain simulation studies in MATLAB/Simulink and experimental results.

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How To Cite

Chodipilli Dasu Babu, A.Arjuna Rao. "A Novel Control Strategy for Grid Connected VSC With LCL Filters".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 4, pp.3531-3542, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 4 

Pages. 3531-3542

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