Design and Structural Analysis of Delta Wing Payloads of Light Combat Aircraft (TEJAS)
- Shaik Shama Sultana
- Y.N.V.Santosh Kumar
- Shaik Azmatullah Rahaman
Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application, hyper mesh and static analyses
Now a days, In such advanced world where the technology has tremendously increased. need of aircrafts in the field of defense aviation has increased a lot which lead to the development of the light combat fighter aircrafts. This concept let us to design and analyze the delta wing payloads of tailless compound delta-wing indigenous 4th generation aircraft (TEJAS). It includes design of supersonic delta wing with customized airfoil according to the aircraft performance requirements, and integrates technologies such as relaxed static stability, fly-by-wire flight control system, multi-mode radar, integrated digital avionics system, composite material structures, and a flat rated engine. It is supersonic and highly maneuverable, and is the smallest and lightest in its class of contemporary combat aircraft. The delta wing structure is designed using catia software, which includes payloads such as drop tanks and missiles. Meshing is done in hyper mesh and static analyses of the delta wing payloads by including weights in different cases are analyzed.
Shaik Shama Sultana, Y.N.V.Santosh Kumar, Shaik Azmatullah Rahaman. "Design and Structural Analysis of Delta Wing Payloads of Light Combat Aircraft (TEJAS)".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 4, pp.3482-3488, URL :
Volume 2 Issue 4
Pages. 3482-3488