Paper Title

Cloud Storage Security Using Encryption and Third-Party Storage Auditing Service


  • Rana M Pir


Cloud Computing, Third Party auditor, Integrity verification, Signature verification, Metadata


Cloud computing aims to enable end-users to easily create and use software without a need to worry about the technical implementations and the softwares physical hosting location,hardware specifications,efficiency of data processing. Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient,on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,networks,servers,storage applications and services) .User can store that data remotely without maintaining local copy of data So the integrity of the data is major problem in cloud storage. Recently many works focuses on providing data dynamics and public verifiability for checking the remote integrity with the help of third party verifiers. Integrity in cloud computing is achieved by the Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) Signing algorithm that signing the data block before sending data to the cloud. To remove online burden of user we have public audit ability for cloud data storage. For that we use external audit party to check integrity of outsource data. We introduce third party auditor (TPA) for audit outsourced data without demanding local copy of user. No additional online burden for the cloud user and that can achieved by using Privacy-Preserving Public key based Homomorphic authenticator. Homomorphic authenticator efficiently supports public key based audit ability without having retrieval of the data blocks.

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How To Cite

Rana M Pir. "Cloud Storage Security Using Encryption and Third-Party Storage Auditing Service".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 4, pp.3444-3450, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 4 

Pages. 3444-3450

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